Requesting Medical Supplies
The Requesting process aims to accommodate ad-hoc requests for medical supplies. That is, this component of WIMEDS can be used by anyone that needs to urgently request medical supplies for NTDs from WHO. The Requesting Process is currently deployed and in production in the following link. Its main sub-components are shown in the figure below.
Create Account
In order to be able to submit a request, a user needs to create an account in WIMEDS. This is done by filling the necessary information in the following link. A screenshot of the form to be filled is shown in the figure Create account. Once the form is completed the user receives an email with a link that needs to be clicked in order to activate the account.
Fill in and Submit Request
The task of submitting a new request starts with the requestor selecting the disease and the type of medicine to be requested. Next, the requestor is expected to fill-in a form which consists of three tabs: 1) Selecting the health facility for which the disease is requested. 2) Filling in information about the medical supply requested and the patient for which the same is requested. 3) Uploading the necessary authorization documents that are required for the medical supply to be shipped to the country.
Health Facility
Medical supplies are requested on behalf of a health facility, therefore the requestor needs to select the health facility he/she is representing from the list of the already registered health facilities. However, if the health facility cannot be found on the list, he/she can add a new health facility under the corresponding administrative division (e.g., if the health facility is located in Barcelona, the user needs to locate the city of Barcelona and add the health facility under Barcelona). Finally, any additional consignment delivery details can be provided here too.
Select a registered health facility
In the figure below a screenshot corresponding to the form for selecting a registered health facility is shown.
Add a new health facility
If a health facility cannot be found on the list of the existing ones, it needs to be added manually. In the figure below we show a screenshot of the form that corresponds to the adding of the health facility. Note that the information with respect to the name and address of the health facility are mandatory.
Consignment delivery details
In the last part of this tab some additional information with respect to the consignment delivery can be added. This information includes the shipping address (where the medical supplies need to be shipped), information about the department and unit of the requestor, and finally, information wrt whether the health facility already has an international courier account to cover the shipping costs. A screenshot of the form corresponding to this is shown below.
Fill in Medicine and Patient Information
After having completed the information wrt the health facility the user needs to continue filling the second tab, which is related to data about the medicine and the patient. Some of the information requested is mandatory. For instance, the age and weight of the patient, the medicine requested, its quantity, and the phase of the disease. Given this information the system is able to provide the correct prescription for a given medicine (i.e., the recommended quantity). In the figure below, a screenshot of this form is shown.
Upload Documents required for Shipment
Some documents are necessary for the shipment of medicines. These can be authorization (approval) to import the medicines in the country or any other document required for customs. The necessary documents can be uploaded in the third tab of the form, as shown in the figure below.
Approve Request
Create and Dispatch Shipment
Confirm Shipment Reception